- My allowance was a quarter and I would go to the corner store and get a weeks worth of candy for just 25 cents.
- penny candy was a penny
- a pack of smokes was 25 cents
- at 6 years old, you could leave the house and didn't have to be home until dark.
- we used to thumb everywhere and we were never worried about crazies & sickos.
Now I think it sucks that I have to know that...
- it is common practice to give an allowance to a child for absolutely nothing; and it has to be a minimum of $3
- penny candy - no such animal
- smokes? over 4 bucks!!!
- there is no leaving the house alone, well maybe when she is 10 I will let her out, with maximum supervision.
- thumbing? What's thumbing...(that's my story & I'm sticking to it!!!)
Flleenie, I remember all those things too, but I only thumbed once and it scared me to death!!
Hey Kenju...I thumbed all the time and actually got caught by my older sister. She saw me get a ride & followed the car I was in beeping her horn & flashing her lights. When I finally got out of the car, she was right there. Boy, she was pissed!!!
I'm lucky to be here right now!
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