Saturday, September 15, 2007

Take A Free Ride On the Reading Railroad!

Ever feel like life is a game? Sometimes it's funny, then sometimes it's cruel. When I was younger I used to love playing games. Board games like Monopoly, LIFE, backgammon or chess, then Nintendo! I thrived on that stuff, I was addicted!

Lately, my life has been playing out like a game, very surreal but not fun. I feel like every move I make, I get trumped! I'm not referring to any particular aspect of my life, but my life in general.

I live to play and I play to live!!!

Lately, I haven't felt like playing...that sucks...


Bud said...

You need new playmates. Stop
waiting for something to happen. And thanks for your nice comments. Bud

Snaggle Tooth said...

I know what you mean! Lately all I want to do is sleep through the game- so tired n sore.
It's hard to keep rolling with the punches with no control over what comes next.
Stop ringing the bell on the caboose, I'm trying to zzz...
(I'm even bored with Trivial Pursuit)!

Melody said...

You think your life is like a game. I have always viewed my life like a book in chapters. SOmetimes I too view my life like a train ride and I choose to get off the train when I feel like it.

Hope your game improves Fleenie!

Hello from Michele and hello from me!!