Friday, December 28, 2007

Awesome role models...NOT!!!

My daughter is a tween. She watches the Disney channel & Nickelodeon . I have always believed that those are the channels that she can watch without restriction. The programing is tween friendly. Then I hear about nude pictures of Vanessa from "High School Musical" on the internet. After that, I hear that Jamie Lynn Spears, the star of "Zoey 101", at age 16, which is a show that my girl loves to watch, is pregnant. OKAY! Awesome role models...NOT!!!

It's scary now-a-days having a young daughter, whom I know that no matter how much I tell her to be good, careful & watch out for the "Big Bad Wolf", will exert her independence, which is one of the personality traits she inherited from me. I have to make sure that she is careful & watches her actions.

First it was nude photos of Vanessa, then it was Hannah Montana concert tickets at no less than $200 a pop, and now Jamie Lynn Spears, 'Zoey 101', is pregnant???

Welcome to the Magic Kingdom of W-T-F!


Unknown said...

Disney moulding a Generation there for you.

The Disney Channerl has turned out some interesting artefacts

Christina Aguilera
Britney Spears


Here Via Michele happy blogging

eggs said...
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Snaggle Tooth said...

You can't stop who influences your children, but make sure they know why they don't want to do what those stars are doing, and understand consequences. Teach critical thinking!

Either that, or no more TV!

Chris said...

Here via Michele's...Thankfully, my 11 yr. old son is not into the Disney Channel. He's more of a Nick guy. Still. It's out there everywhere and we can't get away from it and that's very sad.

Andi said...

The nude photos of Vanessa thing is very disturbing. The pregnancy could serve as a deterrent, if talked about carefully. Seeing someone apparently having fun (nude) is harder.

Milk Brain said...

if it makes you feel better I don't hink I ever did anything because someone on tv did it and made it okay.. not that I know of anyway.