Thursday, June 26, 2008

I miss RyRy alot!!

My daughter has an awesome imagination & she is very brave!

She went to visit her sister in Texas this summer and is flying back from Houston, TX to Tampa, FL alone, on July 2nd! She is scared, but I keep on telling her that it is nothing big for her to fly back from Texas alone. Her sister will put her on the plane and I will pick her up at the gate, but, I know that she will still be on the plane alone. (I think I'm freaking out about it more than Ry)

I am completely remodeling her room... I am excited about it & I hope she loves it. It is very eclectic...she picked the color of the walls & that's all. I have created a room that I love & I hope she loves it too.

I miss RyRy alot!!


kenju said...

I hope that she gets home safely and has no trouble on the plane. You should post photos of the new room and her reaction to it. Michele sent me.

Snaggle Tooth said...

I hope the Extreme Room Makeover is a big hit for the returning fledgling.
Even with all the butterflies you feel, I bet her return solo journey will go just fine- She can handle it.

flleenie said...

I just finished RyRy's room...

She's going to love it!!!