Friday, September 16, 2005

Life's Plan

I know everybody has their own idea regarding what LIFE is all about. I know I do.

To quote Sally Fields in 'Forrest Gump', "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." I beg to differ. Maybe on a conscious level we don't know, but I firmly believe that before we get here, we choose our life, our parents and our purpose for the life. Some of our souls come back time and time again... Some don't.

Ever heard of the Akashic records? (my spelling might be or probably is off) These are the records of life...of everything...It's pre-destined. I know and believe that everytime we come to this earth in life, we strive to learn lessons that will in turn elevate our souls closer to God. That is our goal after all. Isn't it? To be closer to God?

So do you think I'm crazy??? Or just nuts??? OR BELIEVABLE!!!


Milk Brain said...

it's just weird to hear you talk of religious life. when you lived up here many moons ago, and i was very young.. i can't recall you being the type of person so be so into one's faith.

but yes, believeable i'd say..

Snaggle Tooth said...

yeah, I knew you believe that. Especially about your current family branch.

I just don't agree, because I can't imagine wanting to choose what I've been through so far... so I don't think I did! Of course the kids I'd never trade in... I do believe I was put in my spot on purpose by the creator.
The book, no, never heard that name before. Because the Bible's material was written, edited into different versions, and translated by humans, I think it can't always be perfectly correct.

I think we're here to prove people can still be good at heart and in how we treat each other. "Helping others is what's making the earth continue to turn" right now.
When the last of the good is gone, we'll all be destroyed.

flleenie said...

Snaggs, google 'akashic records'and see what I'm talking about.

I believe we choose our life path and our experiences in life can elevate our souls closer to God.