Thursday, April 26, 2007

Having a baby, ouch!

I just spoke with my niece, who is desperately awaiting the birth of her second child. She is nine months pregnant, and anyone of you who has ever been pregnant should understand what that means comfort wise; NOTHING IS COMFORTABLE!! No such animal! End of story!

She wants to have the baby so bad. To help induce labor, I told her to have sex, she said she did. I told her significant other to have sex with her again, and to give her spicy foods... he said, tell her that...which I did before she handed him the phone. Any who...

I remember my ninth month as if it were yesterday. 'Any which way you turn', is not a Clint Eastwood movie! It isn't fictional, it is reality and it really sucks when a baby is pressing up against your bladder and every other internal organ you have!! I mean WHOLLY CRAP!!! The little kicks or hiccups here and there are endearing, to a point.

Anyway, labor sucked the big one and when she popped out? There was no popping, there was tearing. Not tearing but, RIPPING! Wholly OUCH!!! And my kid was only 6lb 13oz! Predictions for the size of the new kid on the block? Well, he was estimated at over 5lb at 32 weeks (I think?) So I'm predicting about 8lb 12oz at birth, which I already told my niece. Unless she keeps him in the oven another week. Then the numbers would change; but knowing her, another week is not an option.

Welcome to the world nephew! Auntie loves you! (4/27 4:27; hopefully not until 5/7)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Out of the Loop

Okay, I know I have been silent for quite a while, but I really didn't understand what that meant in blogger time. From what I have gathered, I have been away so long that I am no longer a "blog to note" or a "blog to visit". Yet my neice, who stated she only used blogger so she could comment on her cousins' blogs, is.

Okay, I started calling people instead of blogging...I guess that was a mistake. You can say more to a person in a call, but inform less people about your news. Anyway, I guess writing is the best way for me to communicate.

so...what do I say???

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Well, I'm Back... After a long absence, I finally have found my will to write again. is so hard to pick just one subject to focus on since so much sh*t has been happening in the world these days. So maybe I'll just let my mind wander...

Okay...yesterday was my birthday. It is the only day of the year that I can do exactly what I want to do, only because I say so!!! It was okay. I mean it was a Tuesday and I had to work. Then Bill, Carol & I had king crab at my house, which was nice, but I wasn't supposed to help...Well, anyone who knows me at all, knows that watching them in my kitchen cooking & cleaning pretty much drove me up a wall . But, you would be proud of me; I didn't flip out, but I did have to rearrange the dishwasher this morning!!! (It was way too messy!) Like Carol always tells me...I'm anal; like Bill tells me...I'm bitchy.

So, I guess that leads me to a totally different subject; am I becoming my parents? My first reaction is, "Holy crap! I am!" But when I step back and take a breather, I realize, yes I am anal, (thank goodness) and yes, I am bitchy (I'm a woman going through the change; feel lucky that is all I am!!) I am also, caring, loving, trustworthy, brutally honest and one of the most faithful friends a friend could ever hope for...for any friend or loved one this applies.

Others beware...