Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Cutting Back Sucks!

I know that the economy really sucks right now. I also understand that companies are looking for ways to cut back and that sometimes that means laying off staff. I know cause I was laid off! I was also fortunate enough to get another job.

But do you know what really sucks? My favorite Blog site, "Ask Michelle", has decided to discontinue the interactive blog & games that they have been doing for quite some time. I will miss it

Tonite I actually submitted my farewell response to Michelle...it is sad but true...

Maybe I will start another blog called..."Ask Eileen"...

We'll see.


Snaggle Tooth said...

Say it isin't so! I can't believe that Michelle is hanging it up- She's been doing that since I first started!

Snaggle Tooth said...

btw- Carmi wrote that netchick is picking up the week-end baton for those who want to do meet n greet-
give it a shot-

flleenie said...

Thanks Snags, I'll give it a go..

Monica said...

Being laid off sucks. Also Michelle's blog was wonderful. Sorry about both! So you know about Netchick - her blog is great - and by the way - that's why I'm here. Netchick sent me.

Jerry in Tampa said...

Hey Flleenie! I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and I hope 2009 will see all your dreams come true!

I - too - was laid off after 15-1/2 years from my "day job" on Dec 4 - I KNOW how you feel - hang in there....

My best,

Jerry in Tampa

Monica said...

netchick sent me.

That totally sucks getting laid off - been there done that recently myself. Except I didn't get another job, I went into business for myself. Well, I already had the business, I just made it a full time thing.
