Friday, September 09, 2005

Prime Time

Today, my daughter brought home a composition note book from school. She showed it to me and inside there was a note that said, "Your child has been selected to be the PRIME TIME student of the week." There also was a newspaper clipping from an Ann Landers column that said writing about a student in a book is a special way to appreciate them. Every week a student would be chosen and the parents and/or family must write something special or unique about their child in the book then return it to school and it will be passed on to the next winner's family.

The first thing I thought was, 'My child, the PRIME TIME student...Awesome!!' Then I thought, 'What should I write?'

There were two prior entries. I read them. The parents touted their children (as most would) as being the most kind, generous and thoughtful children alive. What parent wouldn't? Okay!! I started thinking about last year in school...2 girls taunted, teased and made fun of my daughter. At times, she would come home crying because of those bullies... (I had a conference with her teacher, the teacher said she thought the girls were jealous of my daughter because all of the boys liked her. We're talking 2nd grade, for crying out loud!)

I can honestly say, my daughter has a lot of great qualities, but also has many faults. How honest should I be? The other parents made their kids sound like they should be considered for sainthood. Come on now!! In reality we all know that is just not true! Kids can be so cruel!!

All I can say is, my daughter is the best person she can be. I've tried to teach her to treat others as she would want to be treated, and so far that seems to be working. She is imaginative and creative. She is the only girl I know that can take a cardboard box and make a game out of it that lasts a full day. For her, it is wonderful to be eight.

How does that compare to the other two 'saints'?

Now I know...IT'S EVEN BETTER!!!


Snaggle Tooth said...

Well, start with "My daughter, R-, has many endearing qualities."
-see that doesnt imply she's perfect or conceited... but creative, smart, ect.. She'll have a head about a mile wide when she reads it... watch out!

Milk Brain said...

and then of course you can go off on how wnderful she is and how she cares about others...

Mad Mom said...

uhhh.... i can do the card board box thing too..... i used to do it when i managed at friendlies.... hahaha.... i love that game.... i used to stop my waitresses and pop the box on their head and say "what are you?".... and back to R-... tell them the truth... she's better than all those damn kids... and didn't you have the same problem w/ the boys growing up?!?!?!

Milk Brain said...

lol.. i think christine's got a point? i thought it when i was reading the post but forgot it by the tiem i commented