Friday, July 27, 2007

HELLO? Is there anybody out there?


Is there anybody out there? Just holler if you can hear me. Is there anyone home?? (Pink Floyd, The Wall)

Okay, I guess I should just continue to write for me, myself & I, but about what?


shoeaddict said...

I love Pink Floyd

kenju said...

Thanks for the visit to my blog. How did you find me?

You ask who Michele is? She is from
and if you want more people to read your posts, go there and play her games. It will definitely increase your readers and give you interesting stuff to read. Good luck!

flleenie said...

'Shoeaddict', Pink Floyd rocks!!

'Kenju', I kinda stumbled onto the Michele thing. I am just trying to figure out how to play her games.

I appreciate your help.

BreadBox said...

Now that you've discovered Michele, you'll get lots of visitors. Thanks for visiting earlier,

carmilevy said...

Hi there. Found your link on Michele's and followed you home. Great to e-see you!

Your entry about your bathroom made me smile. My parents' old house had a 60s-era bathroom just like that! They never remodeled it, though. It haunted me throughout my childhood.

BreadBox said...

flleenie: the way that Michele works is easy to understand: she posts various games, and people play them, have fun, and visit each others blogs.
Occasionally, especially on weekends there will be people who post in the "Hello, Michele Sent Me" game who don't list a blog --- as you accidentally did earlier --- since this ruins the game, it is looked down on (or you just get skipped, as I skipped your post at the beginning of today's game).

Play along, be polite and fun! Say hi to your hostess, Michele -- it's only polite to do so:-)
