Thursday, October 04, 2007

Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?

I really like that show, 'Are you Smarter Than A Fifth Grader'. I think Jeff Foxworthy is funny. When the show first aired I thought, "My God, this game is easy", until I watched it the 3rd night. Contestants were dropping like flies. All of the questions are familiar because, I once was in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean I actually remember every single thing I learned back then.

Now, my daughter is in 5th grade. Helping her with homework, other than math, usually requires me to scour her school books or search for the information on the internet.

It pains me to reveal...I am not always smarter than a fifth grader.


Bobkat said...

Yeah, but I bet there are things you have learnt since then that the fifth graders don't know!

'Smarter' is a relative term but it's a great concept for a show. I can see why you're hooked!

Michele sent me to say hi.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I probably wouldn't be either...LOL! I've not seen the show but then I am someone that doesn't watch Jeapordy either...!

Bud said...

gkvhfhbkI don't remember math--too painful--blocked it out.

November Rain said...

thanks for stoppin by the blog

you think 5th grade is hard wait until she gets in high school and starts the things you were glad you would never have to take again

Anonymous said...

I understand what you mean! I pulled A's in Algebra I and II in high school. Guess what's giving me the most trouble in my Finite Mathematics class? You guessed it! Algebra! Sometimes getting older really sucks!

Michele sent me. I hope you have a great weekend!

gautami tripathy said...

As a teacher, sometimes I too feel kids have got smarter!

Got here from Michele!

Anonymous said...

Came over from Carmi's blog. I'm not always smarter than a fifth grader either, and my kids love pointing that out to me, especially with their math homework. (Note: They are both in high school, so it isn't exactly fifth grader math!)

Is Kid Nation good? The concept intrigues me...

utenzi said...

Michele sent me over, Fleenie.

I've not seen the show so I don't know the caliber of the questions asked. I don't like thinking that I could be bested by a Fifth Grader--but if the questions are oriented towards stuff that the kids are more likely to know, then I guess I'd go down to an ignominious defeat.

Snaggle Tooth said...

When you think about all the "new" stuff they teach earlier now, or incorrect "old" info we were taught, it'e easy to feel outdated! And History- forgeting it after each test is easy!

I've never seen that show, either.