Saturday, October 13, 2007

I am dramatic...

I can not draw. I actually flunked coloring within the lines in Kindergarden. My sis rocks at art. She can sketch, draw, outline, sculpt or mold. She is a great artist.

I rock performing art. I can dead-pan, to the max; ask anyone. I can cry on a whim. I can be demure or bubble with enthusiasm.

I am dramatic...


craziequeen said...

I can't draw worth a snot either.

But I can be wonderfully dramatic [flings hand over brow] see?

Michele sent me to say hi this morning, fileenie :-)


OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL...Well, then, I think that makes you 'The Drama Queen'...! And there is nothing wrong with that.
Michele thinks so as well....!

Snaggle Tooth said...

When you say that all I can think of is: the magnificent rendition of "Sweetie Pie" in your "South Pacific" production in HS!

flleenie said...

I agree with 'OLOTH', I am a drama queen, just as my mom & her friends used to call me...'Sara Heartburn'...

Catherine said...

Colouring between the lines is wildly overrated. In fact, when I was training in early childhood education, we were discouraged from giving children colouring books - the idea was that they will learn to be more creative if they draw their own pictures rather than filling in someone else's.
Being dramatic is a great talent to have. I bet Michele thinks so too.

Dak-Ind said...

greetings from michele!

my mother is an artist. she made a living at painting in oils for a while. i cant draw or paint or act or do a craft that my toddler cant do better. some people got it. i dont.

actting is awesome. dramatic can be good. as long as it isnt teenage girl prom date dramatic!