Thursday, November 29, 2007

God Bless Jan

On 11/29/00, my remarkable mother passed away. I was there by her side, with both of my sisters, one of our brothers & our sister-in-law.

There are so many reasons why my Mom was remarkable and I want to share a few with you. Not only did Mom work full-time, but she also managed to dedicate a great deal of her time assisting, organizing & planning events for Girl Scouts & Catholic Daughters. She was very dedicated to service. She was very involved in numerous church activities. She was liked & respected by a wide spectrum of individuals.

For me, the best thing about my mom was that she was always there. I might not like what she had to say all of the time, but she was dependable, my go-to person, loving & supportive. She wasn't a "saint", trust me, we were so much alike it was scary; but she was without a doubt an awesome person. (I still miss her so, sob...)

God Bless Jan


michelle said...

You mom sounds like a wonderful person. I know I strive to be a great mom and role model. It's always great to hear about those wonderful women, like your mom, that blazed a path before us.
michele sent me.

MaR said...

She sounds indeed remarkable...It's a sad anniversary but you have those great memories of her!
Michele sent me to say hello :)

Snaggle Tooth said...

Hey, I was here on the 29th but didn't load this up, for some reason.
I tried to stay really positive all day, n not dwell on the facts of her illness, but remember all the stuff she was made of.
She indeed made us very strong people!

I posted a pic taken of the beach on the 29th. Right about the center of that stretch, she used to sit in a chair by the 6th Ave steps when she was down visiting with Marsha, another GSA friend.

It will be impossible to forget what Jan meant!

Bud said...

Fleeny, you have down this road before as I remember. Hang in there. Time does wonders.

Omykiss said...

Hello and thanks for dropping by ... sorry about your loss.
I never knew that there was a dunedin in florida ... we have one here in NZ. You probably know that dunedin is the gaelic name for edinburgh. Our dunedin has a statue of robert burns in the centre of town and street names that match those in the scottish capitol. Does you dunedin have any scottish things happening?

flleenie said...

Thank you all for the nice words about my Mom. I know, she was awesome.
Omykiss...I know that Edinburgh Scotland was originally called Dunedin. I live in Dunedin Florida which is the sister city of Sterling Scotland. Which also happens to be the home of my ancesters as I am a Wallace by birth.

Andi said...

I would love to hear more about her. I am sure that you learned a lot from your mother over the years. I hope that you are handling this as best as can be expected. Hugs to you.

flleenie said...

Thank you, everyone, for your pleasant thoughts.
Mom was great & I miss her dearly. It's hard to believe that it has been 7 years.

I just want to say that just because I reflect on my Mom & I say that I miss her, doesn't mean that I am having a problem with her passing...I don't...but I still miss her!