Saturday, November 17, 2007

Time Marches On

"Time marches on" the saying goes...although only a saying, it is true. Time is the one thing that we can not control in our lives. Yet time is so important.

I have to be "on time" when I go to work. I have to be "on time" when I bring Ry to school. I have to be "on time" for everything no matter what. I have to be on time, no excuses! No matter who I am going to see or where I'm going to go!

Time is my best friend but it is also my worst enemy...

So to be on time, I need a schedule!


Jerry in Tampa said...

Awesome blog flleenie!!!!
I often tell people that there is no such thing as Time Management - time keeps on going at the same pace - you can not manage it - you have to mange oneself - self management......

Hello, Michele sent me. And I will be back!

Jerry in Tampa

Snaggle Tooth said...

The older I get, the more time I want, tho I'm sure it's just the opposite we get!

To me, some days have more "prompt priority" than others. I do hate the flat-tire that's been greeting me alot lately...