Thursday, January 24, 2008

One Game Away!!

I grew up in Newtonville, Massachusetts. I am the youngest of five, attended Catholic school, and learned from my Dad the art of snoozing in front of the TV on a Saturday afternoon watching the Red Sox. To this day, watching baseball on TV knocks me out.

I am a strong person, my mother taught me that. I stand up for my beliefs and I cannot stand for any injustice.

Though I live in Florida now, the Patriots are and have always been my team. As with the Red Sox, I used to watch the Patriots with my Dad, but back then it was only for away games, as they never sold out the home games so they never were on TV. Talk about a sorry *ss team! Then when they finally made it to the Super Bowl, as a wild card team, they played Chicago. It was horrible! Even Refrigerator Perry scored a touchdown!! It was pitiful!

Now, the Patriots are rocking! We are one game away from football history. I proudly wear my Patriot's shirt & display patriot decals on my car. Every week I hear, "The Patriots suck!", "I hate the Patriots" or "They cheat". Before, when the Pats sucked, no one ever said anything. So I ask myself, "Where were these insulting people when, during the super bowl, Refrigerator Perry was running across the goal line?" Did they say the same thing about the Patriots then? NO, I don't think so!!! They were probably were laughing at the Patriots!!!

One game away!! One game!!

So, who's laughing now?????


Thumper said...

Thanks for visiting my blog...I did comment; your previous entry was the one that was up when I got here. You must have posted right about the time I hit enter.

Snaggle Tooth said...

I remember watching that bowl against the Bears with my kids, n home video-cam-taping part of it somewhere with us all whining! That was so depressing!

Until the past decade, it was always a bummer to watch. You're right, now that they're in the spotlight, we're getting all kinds of crap to put up with from folks, because most football fans are very aggressively opinionated people (for the other teams).

The Patriots Team doesn't deserve the crap talk and disrespect! They all worked hard to get a winning mamagement n players strategy in gear for years now. They've done a great job to improve their games.

The best season ever, this year, and all us Pats (life-long) fans are getting attacked with every stupid insult the other fans can think of.
The Patriots do deserve their turn-


gautami tripathy said...

i do not anything about this. so i cannot comment for this. however, have fun watching it.

michele sent me here today yourway.

flleenie said...

Hey Snags, I mostly remember when the players were introduced. First, the Patriots, then the Bears. My God, everyone of the Bears was twice the size of any Patriot. I thought maybe it was the camera angle until the game started!

Thank God, that game is history.

Now it is time for the Pats to MAKE history!!

graceunderautism said...

It is a great thing isn't it. Hubby is mad that now we live in AZ and he doesn't get to go. Poor guy. Michele Sent me.

gautami tripathy said...

still i do not know anything about it. indians are cricket crazy.

michele sent me again.