Thursday, January 08, 2009

"All right Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for my close-up" definitely a part of my life. Even though I do not want drama in my life, my life seems to be all about drama. It started when I was very young. As a matter of fact when I was about 8 or 9 years old, my mother and her Catholic Daughter friends started calling me 'Sarah Heartburn'. It excited me and angered me all at the same time. I was thrilled that I was getting attention, but unsure of what the name meant. Then, one day, I heard the meaning behind the name. It was a word-play on the famous actress, Sarah Bernhardt. I was okay with that, since she was so famous and all. I acted up a storm! Every time I knew my mother's friends would be visiting, I would plan my next 'performance'! Until...I found out what Sarah Bernhardt was so famous for. Completely ridiculous, over-the-top, exaggerated and distorted dramatic acting. Here I was thinking that I was being complimented on my acting, when they were actually laughing at my over-acting. Hence the name, 'Sarah HEARTBURN'.

Now I am grown and have children of my own. The first time I called my daughterthe beloved nickname, 'Sarah Heartburn' she cried & whined. There wasn't any excitement, no thrill and she didn't even know what I meant! So unfortunately, I know what that means I'm pretty much screwed. Not only is she over-acting, but she is acting like it is real life! So it will be just a matter of time before she is saying..."All right Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for my close-up"


Snaggle Tooth said...

Don't forget that SB was very entertaining, n funny too!
Being able to act is a gift ya know! At least you're smart enough to realize when the young one's doing it too!

Andi said...

Maybe there is a way to show her that some Acting can be good/constructive. For instance, in my own life sometimes acting upbeat (when I don't feel it) often helps myself and others.

I think that her acting can help her be more in touch with her emotions.

Anyway those are the positives that I see. Glad that Net Chick sent me. :-)