Saturday, August 27, 2005

Pool anyone??

Well, we're having fun in the Florida sun. (Hard to believe she's already 8 years old!) Wish you could join us.

It's sad to think that I've been here 12 years and can count on 1 hand the number of times all of my family (excluding Mom) and friends have visited me.

Let's see, friends = none & family = 5.

Yet I've been back to visit...about 15 times....hmmm...

We have nice weather and sunshine... They have cold...snow...slush...sleet... (should I go on?)

Wouldn't you like to PLAY SOME POOL????


Mad Mom said...

she is so beautiful!!! i wish i had been allowed to grow up with her to!!! and i wish i could afford to visit you guys... i'd say soon, but then some stupid emergency would come up... it's funny how life works

Milk Brain said...

i wish the same too... i can't believe she's getting so old.. seems like yesterday whe you brought ryann up to nanny's for the first time.

you're a great-aunt... lol sorry just had to say it.. it made me chuckle thinking it b/c your so young to be a "great-aunt" per se, but then again you always were :)

Milk Brain said...

did christine get you hooked on cyber pets?!

Mad Mom said...

so what if i did

Snaggle Tooth said...

What a gorgeous pool-babe! Growing so fast... WOW!
Well, I don't wanna know how much the drive would cost now, was $80 for fuel at 1600 miles in 2002...
...Ya know the obtacles are money and time, n of course the ability to plan ahead! Wanting is never the issue! Would if I thought could. I'm quite income challenged this year... I've only been to FL 3 times, and always visited you.

Snaggle Tooth said...

I'll answer you here from your last comment on my blog, trying to maintain some privacy to other bloggers, or prospective employers if they see it... of course they could find this is they clicked links and had the time to read!

I was skin-prick tested for many things (120+) last year so I know what I'm NOT reacting to.
Plant-wise I was positive (allergic) to: Timothy grass (aka the lawn), Ragweed, Hogweed, Honeysuckle, Mums, Chrysanthamums, Sandlewood, Hickory (wood, pollen, aka BBQ sauce and smoke), and Willow trees (pollen and wood of).

Sometimes the strong fragrances of blossoms will irritate my mucous membranes, eyes, nose, asthma, causing headaches, aggrivating already occurring allergic response symptoms, like Lilacs.

I really don't spend alot of time outside here, usually 1/2 hour per day on the deck a couple times a week. I do enjoy seeing the blossoms out the window, and I'm SO glad I'm not reacting to Lavender cause I love it.

I'm allergic to many items acause they contain certain fragrance oil components like sandalwood, clove and cinnamen (proven skin irritants for lab rats), (such as soap, fabric softener, deodorant, shampoo, ect, even on the people near me, a fragrance skin reaction!)

Explains alot! But not how I developed an allergy to Hamsters... but not to cats, dogs, or horses! Then there's the bugs, far more dangerous: Dust Mite, Fleas, Cockroaches, Horsefly and Bee stings, I'm allergic to.
I'll leave the rest out... there