Saturday, September 29, 2007

no file number, no water...No Deal!!

This week at work was pretty much crappy. In the morning everything was okay. Then for some reason, in the afternoon, all heck would break loose. There was always some cr*p going on... Like today, the airconditioner brokedown & there wasn't any water, only hot air was blowing through the vents. It had to have been well over 120 degrees on the 3rd floor. For 3 hours, there wasn't any running water in the building, which meant no sinks or toilets.


carmilevy said...

Sounds like a nightmare! Don't they have rules about that kind of thing? I'd assume they'd send you home if the conditions became that unbearable.

I hope this coming week is better for you.

Michele sent me to remind your bosses that you deserve to work in comfort and in health.

Snaggle Tooth said...

Yeah, doesn't the Board of health close you down for that?

We had a water ban n had to make all the (tons of) food using bottled water, but at least the toilets were operational!

I'd probably be ranting all day!

Madseason said...

Apparently, this is my week for that. Each day starts out with such hope, such promise... then I get to work and something goes wrong. Yesterday our entire office building was without water, too. Even had a 'boil water advisory' when the water came back on... What's up with that??

Hope you're having a better week this week!! :)

Melody said...

That is seriously pathetic! I would've gone home! *haha*

I hope your week has been better than the one you wrote about in this post.

Hello from Michele and hello from me!

Leslie said...

I would not have stood for that. I would have gone home. Those kind of conditions are just feeding grounds for germs. Blech!