Friday, September 14, 2007

Ry's poem!

The following is a poem my daughter (9 yrs old) wrote about her sister.

I look
up at the
star struck sky.
I wonder
one you're on.
The brightest star
by the Big Dipper
or the smallest star
by the moon.
Watch me,
play games.
Somethings you
can't do forever.
But you can
always be my
And see me
in my dreams.
You smile.
You matter.
I miss you.
~Author~Ryann Wallace Duff~


BreadBox said...

That's really sweet, and really sad at the same time. But uplifting that she can feel that way!
Michele sent me,

Unknown said...

That is just too sweet. It's nice that she can feel so intimate about her sister. My kids just argue incessently.

Michele says hi.

MorahMommy said...

What a beautiful tribute to her sister.

Although my kids are constantly fighting,,,,in a time of crisis they always show how much they love each other.

Courtney will always live on in your hearts.

Michele sent me.

Snaggle Tooth said...

Seems even better to read than just hearing it over the phone- thanks!

Milk Brain said...

wow. hard to believe a nine year old wrote that!