Saturday, September 01, 2007

Now I Know 25 Is Not Ancient

When I was 16 years old, I thought 25 was ancient. I thought I would be dead by the time I was 25. When my 25th birthday came around, I hid and stayed home in bed, it was my scariest birthday.

I was so surprised to live passed that day, that now every year I relish my birthday. I actually start talking about my birthday at least 30 days prior. In any random conversation, I will announce there are only so many days until my birthday. I'm not selfish or stuck up, I just think that everyone deserves to have their day & my day is April 17th! And I don't want to share my day, with anyone! (The president of the company I work for has the same birthday, but I don't care, I'm not budging!)

Now I am way over 25 years old but I don't feel ancient. Yes, there are some aches & pains, but even though that is my reality, mentally I think of myself as young. I guess the older I get, the younger every else becomes...


-E said...

HAHA You're adorable.

I just turned 25 on April 12th (5 days and I would have been in trouble eh?). And it's the first time I felt older. But I think it's because I can say I am a quarter of a century.

I'm here from Michele's, I hope your weekend is going well.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh My! Isn't it amazing what we think at 25??? I am three times that plus one, and 25 now seems like such a baby....LOL....I wonder why you thought you would not live past 25...?
And I think Birthdays should be cherished and celebrated...Glsd you do too, now!

Paulie said...

jzsuffnWhen I started reading your blog this week, I thought you had "copied "something I wrote many years ago. You see, I wrote almost the same thing about when when I was 24.

Growing up, I thought "24" was very old and I wanted to die before then. The year I turned 24, I prayed everyday that I would live after all. I was glad that God doesn't always answer prayers in the way WE want Him to!!!!!

Now I made it to be a senior citizen and I don't feel old.
In fact, the year I was 60, I walked in the Portland Marathon and finished!

Paulie said...

Sorry about teh word verification code getting at the beginning of my post. No idea how that happened. I know I typed it into the little box.

Madseason said...

My 25th was my worst too!! Once I survived that, 30 and 40 didn't even faze me! When I thought of being 25 years old, I kept thinking "that's a QUARTER OF A CENTURY!!"

Now that I'm in my 40's, I wouldn't be 25 again for all the tea in China!

Dak-Ind said...

i remember, when i wasi n like middle school, one of our math excercizes was to figure out (mathmatically of course) how old we would be in the year 2000. i turned 26 in '00. in jr high i looked at that number like, wow, thats OLD! now, as i just passed my "Larry Bird" birthday (33 was Larry's jersey number) i realize that 40 is coming. 40 isnt that old now, is it.

michele sent me to say hello. oh, and my little one, Indiana, his birthday is the day before yours.

flleenie said...

Thank you everyone, I feel validated, other people actually feel the way I do!
BTW, I'm originally from B-Town, and lived there in '84, when the Celtics beat the Lakers to win the championship! I remember celebrating in the street outside my apartment after the final game, so Larry Bird is AOK with me!!

And, no, dak-ind, 40 isn't that old. Don't you know that 40 is considered the new 30?

MaR said...

What counts is our mental age! our attitude in life.
I thought your birthday was coming up while reading your post. Michele sent me to say hello.

Snaggle Tooth said...

There's a 25 yr old guy at work who says "Hi" to me about 10 times a day- he doesn't realize the extent of the age-diff I guess! Makes me feel young, til I catch the mirror-view, that is!

Announcing the b-day 9 months early here...

barbie2be said...

my 25th birthday was my most traumatic too. the guy iwas dating at the time said to me "happy birthday... just think, you're a quarter of a century old now." UGH!

michele sent me!

Pearl said...

yep I had the same reaction to 25 too.

belated wishes for life being onwards and upwards.

David Edward said...

aches and pains, yes.
regrets related to age, no

here from the ever youthful michele