Thursday, November 15, 2007


I have to admit, that for the last 7 years, I was one of those idiots that got up at 3:30am the day after Thanksgiving to go shopping. I thrived on the 'power shopping' & the 'money saving' aspects of the experience. I bought items just because they were on sale.

This year, I hit all of the pre-pre-holiday sales with specific gifts in mind. I am almost completely finished with my Christmas shopping...only 3 more people to go. But, I still can't wait to see the ads for the day after Thanksgiving. The 3 items I want will probably be on sale somewhere, & I will be up at 3:30am that day to go shopping!! okay..."Hello, my name is Flleenie and I'm a 'Day after Thanksgiving' Shopaholic"


Thumper said...

Nothing wrong with getting out there and getting a god deal! I'm not nearly brave enough to face the hordes of shoppers, it involves getting up early, and I'm totally not a morning person.

Here via Michele's today!

David Edward said...

what did you get for me?
Thanks for the visit

CAM said...

I have to admit, I get up with my sisters and head down to the local Wal Mart. I haven't bought anything in the 4 years we have been going, I just think watching all the local idiots ram each other with carts and take stuff out of each others baskets is priceless

Bud said...

Fleeny, buy everything you can--just don't hide it around the house like I did with the booze.

Snaggle Tooth said...

We could cure that easily by cutting all your credit cards in half...

I've never done that!

Jodi Cleghorn said...

Hi - Michele sent me ..

This sounds very much like the Australian Boxing Day sale (the day after Christmas Day) They used to be REALLY huge before everyone went sale crazy. One upon a time end of Financial Year and Boxing Day were the only day the big department stores had sales on.

I normally go about four days after the big rush and still get a few bargain ... I'm not into retail therapy.