Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Historical Election

This was a historical election no matter which side was victorious. If McCain had won, then it would have been the first time a woman was elected as a vice-president. Sorry, but DENIED!

On the other hand, Barrack Obama won, so it is the first time that an African-American has been elected president. Awesome!

Personally, I don't care about his race, but I do care about what he can do for me, my family & my country.


utenzi said...

Hi Fleenie. Michele sent me to see you.

Good luck with your job. I know what it feels like to lose a job you love---and I hope it never happens to me again. Maybe Obama can have a positive effect on the economy once Wall Street gets its nerve back.

ShannonW said...

Hello, Michele sent me.

Good luck.

Snaggle Tooth said...

At least Obama is known for his intelligence. Hopefully his methods can work wonders, because the problems to solve are huge!

Mike said...

I think Obama is going to be a good president. But then just about anyone would be an improvement on Bush.

Michele sent me.