Tuesday, May 08, 2007

this is the way I am

I am a very blunt, straight forward type of person. I don't take crap and I never have taken crap. If I were a man, I would be respected, but since I am a woman, I am considered a bitch. Fair??? NOT!!!

Growing up, my family constantly teased and made fun of each other. Every sibling's birthday, I always felt there was a competition to find the most insulting card (without being too cruel), and if you were the one to give that card then you
won. Won what? I honestly don't know.

Anyone that knows my family, knows Wallace's are jokers. We kid around a lot. My dad was the best kidder of them all. He really knew how to joke around with everyone. No matter the age of the recipient, they always laughed. God bless Red!

Unfortunately, when my siblings and I joke with people, it does not end with the same result. (I guess we are probably lucky that we haven't been sued.) We are usually taken seriously and considered mean!!! Imagine that!!

I am so tired of having to explain myself...So here I go...Okay World, I'm joking...lighten-up...don't be so serious...it's funny...
I'm sorry...

1 comment:

Snaggle Tooth said...

I sent a kinda cruel card to Big Sis' last week... The pickin's were slim... but at least I said I was the old biddie next to her!

Some People just can't take a good joke! Now I wonder what B's prez to her was...
I had a very funny message on my machine that night! Of course I couldn't call, (or you either) cause I need more minutes, n still feel bad about that!
- Luckily, I get it!