Tuesday, April 08, 2008

My Day, then Hers

My favorite day of the year is April 17th. That's my birthday. It is a very special day. I think it should be a holiday, which sometimes it is in Massachusetts. (Patriot's Day)

There is a reason that I always make a very big deal about my birthday. I love being treated like it's "all about me".

Mom's birthday was April 18th, the day after mine.


gemma said...

Soon to be Happy Birthday to you and then your Mom. That Marathon thing? You do know they run for you right?

Michele sent me.

Snaggle Tooth said...

Happy life celebrating! Just 2 more days....

MaR said...

Wishing you a very happy day on your birthday. Congrats on being Michele's site of the day :)

colleen said...

I hope you have the best birthday ever! I wonder if you'll stop liking them when you get old. Michele sent me to say Happy Birthday!

kenju said...

Congrats on being Michele's site of the day - and also Happy Birthday Thursday! Michele sent me.

Heather said...

Good morning, Michelle sent me. You have a really nice blog. Happy Birthday, have a great birthday celebration week!

barbie2be said...

happy birthday this week, and congrats on being SOTD.

michele sent me!

Hugo the Chinchilla said...

Happy Birthday!!! April birthday's are definitely the best!! :-)

(Michele sent me)

gemma said...

I'm back and this time Michele sent me......are you ready for the Marathon? I don't know how they will do it but I heard they will be carrying a birthday cake with candles blazing. Yay!

Stella Dean said...

Oh! Happy Happy Birthday!

Michele sent me today, but I'll be back.

Nepharia said...

Hope your birthday is certainly a happy one! What do you have planned for Thursday?

Michele send me :D

Michael K. Althouse said...

And today is a special day as well, my friend. Congratulations on being chosen as Michele's SOTD!!

What a wonderful birthdau present!

Michele sent me,


Dak-Ind said...

greetings from Oregon! your special holiday is the day after my toddlers special day! happy birthday to you!

michele sent me.

and off topic, but i wondered, what part of florida is Duedin (did i spell that right?)... my husband is from Bartow and we were just in florida last year :)

Sara said...

Hello, Michele sent me to say I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!!!!

David Edward said...

how many birthdays will this be for you ?

: - )

Happiest of days, weeks, years to you

flleenie said...

Dak-ind, Dunedin is just north of Clearwater, outside of Tampa.

David, this birthday will be the 16th anniversary of my 29th birthday!