Thursday, July 12, 2007

That thing on my window

Well, anyone who knows me, knows that our/pete's daughter, Courtney, passed away in a car accident in 2003. Well, our daughter, Mallorie, had decals made for our cars..."In loving memory of Courtney..." which I love! Last week, someone at work asked, "The red jeep is your car, right? The one with that thing on your window...

"The saddest thing is that, this is someone who has worked in my office with me since I started over 2 years ago. Now there are only 5 of us in my department, besides management Although I appreciate that no-one wants to gossip about my family, I am astonished. (NOT, I'm sure they talk when I'm not there). We talk about everyone else. Noone ever asks.

I remember about 2 months after I started working there, one girl went off about cremation, about how she thought it was so wrong and who would ever do such a thing...needless to say, she was young (twenties); we had Courtney cremated (Lord knows, when I pass I want to be cremated too!!) I bit my tongue & didn't say a word, which was very hard, 'cause I didn't want to be pegged as "the bitchy woman", which is how it would have come across, so I smiled & sucked it up. (cried inside a little).

Well, not now!!! F*CK that!! cremation, whatever, our souls all end up where they are supposed to. There is a greater purpose. Death comes to us all!

Other people know about that thing on my window, my real friends....and they remember & I remember & we always will...

1 comment:

Snaggle Tooth said...

I was here finally Sept. 9th- n the Zero is gone.

I wish you could post a pic of the decal for me!

People at work can be so insensitive n nosey!

Also see you have lotsa new fans! Keep up the good blogging! LV-U!