Thursday, October 18, 2007


Creativity. That isn't a big word, but it has a big meaning. I have always thought of myself as creative, not crafty or artistic, but creative. This week was definitely an exception to my belief.

Every day at work we "huddle", which is a daily department gathering, that reinforces company policies, customer service and/or work ethics. The corporation sends out 'scripted' huddles every Thursday for the following week & we pick the one we want to lead. When I get my 'huddle', I start to 'Google' or 'Ask Jeeves' to get ideas on ways to spice up my meeting. I like to incorporate activities that are fun but will also reinforce the main subject. I always have found something, until this week.

Now the subjects of our huddles are repeated over and over & there are quite a few of them. This week my subject was about the do's & the don'ts of verbal & non-verbal communication. The no-no's of verbal for example, is saying, "It's not my department", "It's not my job"... the no-no's of body language, well, I think we all know what a huff, a puff & a storm away while stomping the feet means!!! I scoured & searched all over the net, but could not find anything that was interesting. Then I found this picture with the caption, "It's Not My Job"

Image courtesy Zilla the Younger
The picture is funny & great. The caption is right on the money. I think, how stupid is the person painting the white line on the road, move the damn branch, I would move the stupid branch. Everyone I work with thought the same thing. But in real life, people don't think that way. Most people would say, "It's not my job".
Where ever this picture came from, I guess they should be grateful that the white lines were painted on the roads at all, cause where I live, that branch would have caused the whole process to come to a screeching halt. The people painting would have to call their dispatcher, who would have to call the city, who would have to call the arborist department, who would have to go out there and move the tree limb... then, they would have to call back the people who paint the white line on the road...It would take a long time... AND IT'S NOT MY JOB


OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL...And your are right! It is easier to just paint around that tree branch! Oh Dear...What a society we have become...Nothing is easy and no one wants to do anything....
Michele feels the same way and she sent me to tell you that! (lol)

Catherine said...

That image gave me a smile! I can just see the cars following the white line, and swerving when they come to that bit!

Of course, being a mum, it always seems to be my job, when nobody else will do it :)
Michele sent me

carmilevy said...

As I learned in my years working for Very Large Corporations, people are focused on their own needs. This only seems to get worse with time. Maybe it's a society-evolution thing, that we don't seem to look out for others any more.

Whatever the cause, it saddens me. Every project I ever managed became an exercise in futility because people simply didn't have the ability or the will to step up to the plate, roll up their sleeves and get it done.

It was a maddening way to live. So I quit and now I work on my own. Much more gratifying, because I have no one to blame for myself if I don't step up to the plate.

Snaggle Tooth said...

I often get "spoken to,"That's not your job," at work because I help everyone figuring it actually helps the whole place run smoother by preventing bottlenecks. First of all, I would want help, second, I refuse to be a jerk, noticing a problem then not helping out. I'm the only one I know consistantly like that...
"Some one's got to be responsible, n it's me!" (That's my reply to being spoken to by the person in charge who should be doing it).

flleenie said...

I honestly believe, with every bone of my body... "Move the damn branch!"