Friday, December 07, 2007


A typical answer to an ordinary question on any given day..."WWWHHHAAATTT?", "WWWHHHYYY?" or...silence...

She is 10. She hears what she wants to & ignores everything else. She says she is a tween. She watches the Disney channel & is influenced by some of their programs, I am not.

If she is on the phone with a friend, & I interrupt to tell her to do something else, she whines, "OOOKKKAAAYYY".

I can't stand the attitude, I don't want the tween, but I love the daughter, to death.


Pat said...

I can vaguely remember and this is a time when you REALLY need to keep a sense of humour. It'll be fine in few years:) Good luck!
Dropped in from Michele's.

Snaggle Tooth said...

I advise that you try to ignore the fads, then they shall pass-
If she keeps getting strong reactions from you, she'll use it against you on purpose.

So she's a bit whiney-sounding. At least she's not singing Monkees n Partidge Family songs...

Milk Brain said...

I hope this will go away soon, or atleast get much worse. When christine turned 13 she became super mean to me and she didn't start being nice to me until she was about 16. we've been good ever since.

flleenie said...

Hey Snaggs, when I used to call Jan, back in the day about the other ones, at first she would laugh, then after I cried & begged for help, she said, "Just remember what I used to tell myself when you were a teenager, 'This will pass; it's not will pass, it's not forever...'" Gotta love the woman!!!