Monday, December 31, 2007

"Mom, why did you do that?"

Well, it's 2008 Woo Hoo!

Earlier tonight, we went to a child friendly block party. Every year we go to the same block party and we have a blast. The kids run wild, and the adults have fun.

Well tonight, there were a lot less people there than usual, so my attention was fixated on my daughter (10yrs old) and her friends, who are starting to become 'boy crazy'. They were all chasing the boys around in the dark, as usual for New Year's Eve. There I am trying to monitor where each girl was located in comparison to every boy! What an outrageous task! I made quite a few busts, and I know that my mission was accomplished...because my daughter complained, "Mom, why did you do that?"


Andi said...

:-) Good job. Michele sent me.

gautami tripathy said...

I want to hug you!


Wishing a great 2008 to you.

Michele sent me your way!

Snaggle Tooth said...

That's what parents are for...

I think this one will get harder to keep tabs on as time goes by- look-out!

flleenie said...

Thank you for the 'kudos'!

And, yes Snaggs, when she becomes a teenager, I'm pretty much screwed!