Monday, December 31, 2007

"Mom, why did you do that?"

Well, it's 2008 Woo Hoo!

Earlier tonight, we went to a child friendly block party. Every year we go to the same block party and we have a blast. The kids run wild, and the adults have fun.

Well tonight, there were a lot less people there than usual, so my attention was fixated on my daughter (10yrs old) and her friends, who are starting to become 'boy crazy'. They were all chasing the boys around in the dark, as usual for New Year's Eve. There I am trying to monitor where each girl was located in comparison to every boy! What an outrageous task! I made quite a few busts, and I know that my mission was accomplished...because my daughter complained, "Mom, why did you do that?"

Friday, December 28, 2007

Awesome role models...NOT!!!

My daughter is a tween. She watches the Disney channel & Nickelodeon . I have always believed that those are the channels that she can watch without restriction. The programing is tween friendly. Then I hear about nude pictures of Vanessa from "High School Musical" on the internet. After that, I hear that Jamie Lynn Spears, the star of "Zoey 101", at age 16, which is a show that my girl loves to watch, is pregnant. OKAY! Awesome role models...NOT!!!

It's scary now-a-days having a young daughter, whom I know that no matter how much I tell her to be good, careful & watch out for the "Big Bad Wolf", will exert her independence, which is one of the personality traits she inherited from me. I have to make sure that she is careful & watches her actions.

First it was nude photos of Vanessa, then it was Hannah Montana concert tickets at no less than $200 a pop, and now Jamie Lynn Spears, 'Zoey 101', is pregnant???

Welcome to the Magic Kingdom of W-T-F!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Holi-days are melancholy-days...

At least that is what they should be called, and for a good reason. It is a time for love, peace & joy. A time to remember all of your loved ones; your family & friends. And I do remember...Courtney, for example. She would be 23 this year.

As a child, I remember waking up early on Christmas morning...seeing the tree with presents under it. I remember the excitement of ripping open the paper and getting the one doll or toy that I really wanted. Then the other present was always pajamas or some other clothing. There were usually 2 gifts each, most of the time, not including the stuffed animals, and the gifts were cherished!

This is the time of year that I miss my parents the most!

I love you & miss you Mom & Dad!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

...and so this is Christmas...

"...So this is Christmas, and what have you done, another year over, and a new one just begun... And so this is Christmas, I hope you have fun, the near and the dear ones, the old and the young.
A very merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. Let's hope it's a good one without any fear."

John Lennon was cool. He always openly professed his beliefs to the world and used his celebrity to help broadcast his messages of peace and love. Besides that, he was my favorite Beatle...

During the holidays, please remember to be kind, patient & courteous.

His message was LOVE!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Let It Snow!

"The competition is on!"; that should be the motto where I work. We are competitive when it comes to obtaining clients, and even more competitive when it comes to internal contests.

Now, this year my department "Rocked" the Halloween decorating contest, we ruled (No-one else even came close), so I figured, we proved our point, we never have to compete again. But no!! 'Tis the season', which means, of course, that there is a contest at work, the "Best Holiday Decoration Contest". I work in corporate accounting. My department is full of analitical people. We think. We have ideas. We obsess. We are perfectionists. So, obviously, as always, we will overcome (when will they learn?)

Friday, December 07, 2007


A typical answer to an ordinary question on any given day..."WWWHHHAAATTT?", "WWWHHHYYY?" or...silence...

She is 10. She hears what she wants to & ignores everything else. She says she is a tween. She watches the Disney channel & is influenced by some of their programs, I am not.

If she is on the phone with a friend, & I interrupt to tell her to do something else, she whines, "OOOKKKAAAYYY".

I can't stand the attitude, I don't want the tween, but I love the daughter, to death.